

Parish Councils do not have power to grant or refuse planning permission. The Local Government Act 1972, section 101 does however, require local authorities to consult parish councils on certain matters affecting their parish and a parish council is a statutory consultee on the development plan, local plans and structure plans.

Planning Applications

Planning Authority

Current Planning Applications

Please click on the reference of each application to access the North Lincolnshire Council planning portal for further information and to submit your comments.

Roxby-cum-Risby Parish Council's Comments
Planning permission to convert existing farm buildings into seven dwellings - AMENDED PLAN - Proposed Site Plan
Roxby Parish Council think the proposal is good and have no objection to the development as it is about time this plot and these buildings were put to good use. However, the speed limit should be reduced to 30 mph on this section of road due to the access being on a bend with poor vision and the road width is not at all generous. It is 60 mph at present.
Approved with conditions, 11 July 2023
Planning permission to vary condition 5 of planning permission PA/2019/830 namely to allow for the unloading of trains beyond the approved operating hours at Roxby Landfill Site, Winterton Road, Roxby, DN15 0BJ
Planning application to vary condition 1 of PA/2021/1960 to allow for external material changes - Site Location: The Old Hall, 36 North Street, Roxby, DN15 0BL
Planning permission to construct an agricultural irrigation reservoir - AMENDED DOCUMENT - Site Location Plan. Site Location: land north of Risby Road, Appleby.
Planning permission to erect annex attached to existing building and carry out alterations to provide living accommodation: Scotney Farm, Access Road to Scotney Farm, Roxby DN15 9RA.
No objections
Full planning permission with conditions
Application to undertake a 4 metre crown lift of two horsechestnuts, identified as being within G2 of the Tree Preservation (Roxby No 2) Order 1975: 4 Roxby Hall Farm, South Street, Roxby, DN15 0BP.
No objections
Consent granted with conditions: Decision Notice
Planning application to vary condition 2 of PA/2020/1228 to allow for changes to boundary
Appeal dismissed: APP/Y2003/W/21/3287714

Planning Authority

The Planning Authority for our Parish is North Lincolnshire Council. All planning applications for the Roxby-cum-Risby area can be found by clicking here

The Parish Council does not have executive powers to accept or reject applications, but our views are considered when the application is determined by the relevant authority. Parish Councils also contribute views on Local Area and Regional Strategies on subjects such as housing, transport, environment and employment.

Planning authorities must inform local parish councils of applications affecting its parish and consider its views when deciding on planning applications. Planning authorities usually allow fourteen to twenty one days for a response.